One of the most kind crucial types of personality’s in society, and one of the types of humans that initiate brilliant change in all aspects of the human experience— are people who Overcome. People who have been in so much suffering, despair and pain — and in spite they push on. A person who has hit a rock bottom most people
Couldn’t survive – yet they do.
When someone goes through something that changes them in every fiber of their being – it embarks them on a path of reform and a spiritual life. The level of compassion of someone who has overcome the depths of hell – builds the healers, the activists, and the humanitarians.
There are qualities of the one who overcomes – and they are indispensable.
- They usually have been overcoming since childhood. Someone who has the grit, faith and hope to overcome usually is not a stranger to hardship. A difficult childhood, and the unconscious behavior of someone who has a hard early life is something people who defeat the odds are used to. They’ve seen family members in pain. They are no stranger to pain, and they usually have been in survival for a long time. The instincts of survival mode, although not ideal — create incredible and inspirational human beings.
- People who overcome are deeply honest. Deep honesty is usually a large part of the breakdown and bottom moments. If a human doesn’t have the deep honesty, they don’t have the ability to know there is deeper understanding needed to get through the struggle.
- They are Life long learners. People who overcome understand that their level of freedom in life is directly proportionate to the level of humility and understanding they have. It’s essential to understand that they don’t know it all. They turn their weaknesses into strengths by exploring and learning from their mistakes and faults. They admire others that have overcome and they soak in all they can from the lives of those they emanate.
- People who overcome know one crucial truth: giving up is not an option. They will cry, fight, kick, scream and rest- but they know deep in their soul that nothing can and will cause them to give up.
- They gather their strength through a faith in something greater than themselves. Following a higher power gives the strength and light to those going through unimaginable hardships, and it works. Again that also takes a deep level of humility.
- They know when to ask for help. People who overcome understand that life is not meant to be lived alone. Being lonely is usually something they’ve experienced and in turn elevates them to be in touch with the riches of life which are that our human relationships and connection is vital to being happy. They understand that who they surround themselves with is who they become in one way or another.
- They know when to say no. People who overcome know that saying no to one thing- can be saying yes to themselves. They know they can’t be everything to everyone. And they also know to protect themselves so that they can in turn be of service to those around them.
- Lastly – people who overcome usually serve a greater purpose. They allow what they go through to change them, and wish for change in the greater collective. These are our social workers, activists, healers, coaches and trainers – these are the people who use their voice to initiate change. Their hardships inevitably turn into their lifelong purpose.
If you are someone who has overcome the challenges of death, grief, homelessness, injustice, addiction, mental illness, poor physical health and other traumas – I hope
You’ve identified with this list. We are blessed you are here and are leading the way for others- if you can do it, maybe we can too.
Sending peace, love and strength